Below are success stories from all across the United States. We hope they inspire you that you too can achieve your highest goals of work success. At the bottom of the page are videos for those who prefer them over reading articles.
Maybe you will be the next success story!
Rebecca's doctor told her it was unlikely she would live another two years.
After going into remission from cancer, Rebecca decided she wanted to return to work in a new field. While exploring her options, she received information in the mail about Social Security’s Ticket to Work (Ticket) Program. After calling the Ticket to Work Help Line to learn more, Rebecca connected with an Employment Network that could provide the support she needed to navigate a career transition.
Intellectual and Developmental Disability (I/DD)
As Andy prepared to finish high school, he and his family considered his career options and realized there were programs in place to help him enter the workforce. With the help of his high school transition team, his Ticket to Work employment team and Project SEARCH, Andy found a job he loves. Learn how they all worked together to help Andy succeed.
Earnings & Empowerment
Born with cerebral palsy, Jessica felt stigmatized her whole life. After getting her Masters, she was eager to enter the workforce. Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program and other Work Incentives helped her gain her financial independence.
Hearing Loss
In 2014, Matt took stock of his life. He was receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) because hearing loss and other medical issues had interfered with consistent employment. For years he had struggled to make ends meet on an SSDI check. As an ambitious gentleman, he was eager to move beyond the limitations of relying on SSDI. "I always wanted and planned to work," he says, "…to be productive, build a career, and earn more money …"